Announcing: Object Diaries

Announcing a project I've been working on for years —
Object Diaries: Stories About Human Connection Told One Secret Object at a Time.
I've created a limited-edition series of stories about secret objects, including a three-episode podcast. I'll share stories via this newsletter, and on my website.
Here's one secret object: In the photo, my father who passed away in April 2023, holds a treasured toy from his childhood - a miniature deck of cards.

My father didn't have many possessions as a child, and he saved everything he owned. Most of it fits inside a little wooden cigar box.
I was raised poring over this collection of tiny treasures. And I feel strongly that sharing stories about secret objects like these can bring people closer together.
Inspired by my father, I created this project to honor the things that matter to us.
The project includes a limited-series podcast, a series of photographs, and an opportunity for Object Diaries workshops in community centers, workplaces, and museums.
Here's a trailer:
Object Diaries Trailer
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I can't wait to share more of this project with you.